Student Health Services
Colonial School District Student Health Services supports all of the District schools, as well as many private and parochial schools located in the District boundaries.
- About School Health Services
- Allergies
- Dental Exams
- Immunizations
- Infectious Disease Reporting
- In-school illnesses or injuries
- Medication
- Physicals
- Screenings
- Sunscreen
About School Health Services
The primary purpose of the Colonial School Health Program is the optimal maintenance, promotion, protection, and improvement of student, staff, and community health. The school nurses collaborate with students, parents/guardians, educators, staff members and other community resources to assist the student to develop competence to confidently cope with the complexities of life.
The school nurses work daily to address the physical, emotional, educational, developmental and social challenges facing our students. For some, chronic health problems may impact student achievement and success. To assist the students’ school adjustment, school nurses help other staff members understand the special needs of these students.
Changes in family structure, parental work patterns, finances and health care access have contributed to the increasing number of students arriving at school ill or injured. School nurses provide immediate primary care and strive to help parents/guardians find available community resources for any continuing student health problems.
The nurses participate in meetings with teachers, guidance counselors, administrators and parents/guardians regarding students’ education, physical and social needs. In addition to teaching on an individual and classroom basis, the school nurse acts as a resource person when any question on a medical or health-related matter arises.
It is necessary to provide the nurse with detailed written information regarding any allergies. You should include what your child is allergic to, the date and description of the last allergic reaction and any medication used during allergic reactions. If medication is required for an allergic reaction, you will need to complete the Medication Policy & Dispensing Form and deliver the medication to school in the original pharmacy container. Please note that a new Medication Policy & Dispensing Form will need to be completed and sent to school each year.
Click here for a link to an allergy action plan.
Dental Exams
Dental Examinations
Dental exams are required for the following grades:
- Entry into school (Kindergarten/First Grade)
- Third Grade
- Seventh Grade
Click here for access to the dental exam form.
Exams completed the school year prior to the required grades are acceptable.
No immunizations are given at school. However, the school nurse must monitor each child’s immunizations and ensure they are current with the state’s guidelines. Please provide the nurse with documentation from your health care provider anytime your child receives an additional immunization.
The Pennsylvania School Health Code requires that the following immunizations be completed within five days of the start of school for a student to attend school:
- DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis): 4 doses, one given after the fourth birthday
- Polio: 4 doses, one given after the fourth birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose
- MMR (measles, mumps and rubella): two doses after 12 months of age,
- Hepatitis B: 3 properly spaced doses, with the last dose given after age 24 weeks
- Varicella (chicken pox): 2 doses after 12 months of age or written proof of the disease from your health care provider
Additional 7th grade requirements:
- Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis): must be given after age 11
- Meningococcal Conjugate
Additional 12th grade requirement:
Meningococcal Conjugate: 2nd dose if first dose given before age 16
Infectious Disease Reporting
School nurses are required to report certain infectious diseases to the local health department. The health department assists the school nurse in managing a suspected outbreak and computing statistical data for our county. Incidences of dog bites are also reportable to the local health department to ensure community safety.
In-school illnesses or injuries
Parent/Guardian contact
If the illness or injury is severe enough for your child to require further treatment or medical evaluation, the nurse will contact the caregiver. If indicated, the emergency medical system would be activated and your child transported to the hospital.
Each year parents/guardians are required to update their contact information in PowerSchool and their child's health information and medication permissions in the SNAP Health Portal. There a parent/guardian and emergency contact to be notified in the event of an illness or serious injury at school is designated. The emergency contact should be someone who is local, available during school hours, and can assume responsibility in a parent/guardian's absence. To assume responsibility for a sick or injured child is a serious undertaking and should be arranged by mutual consent.
Remember that emergency actions depend on correct and complete information. Please contact the school immediately with any change in this emergency information.
Injuries outside of school
The school cannot assume responsibility for injuries that did not occur at school. Caregivers are asked to refrain from asking school personnel to treat such injuries.
Medications can be administered at school, if necessary. Parents/guardians are encouraged to work with their student’s health care provider to time medications to be given at home, if at all possible.
For medications to be given at school, the Colonial School District medication policy must be followed. To comply with the state regulations, the following is the Colonial School District Medication Policy:
- Students are not allowed to transport any medication, either over-the counter or prescription, to or from school. A parent/guardian must deliver the medication to the school nursing office personally. When delivering medication, please ensure that the medication is kept in its original pharmacy container. A parent/guardian must also personally pick up all medications from school once the medication is discontinued, or at the end of the school year.
- Any medication that a parent/guardian delivers to school, either over the counter or prescription, requires the Medication Dispensing Form to be signed by both a parent/guardian AND the attending physician.
- Emergency medications, such as rescue inhalers for asthma or Epinephrine auto injectors for life-threatening allergies, may be carried and self-administered by a student if the student is deemed capable of doing so by their physician, parent/guardian and school nurse. The Medication Dispensing Form must be completed in the appropriate places and signed by physician, parent/guardian, and school nurse.
Some over-the counter medications are kept on hand in the school nursing office. Parents/guardians may indicate the over-the-counter medications for which they give permission in the SNAP Health Portal through PowerSchool.
Medications on Field Trips
If your child takes daily medication, an alternative plan for administration on field trips must be planned; please discuss this with your child’s physician. No daily medication will be sent on field trips from the nurse’s office. In the event of a medical emergency during a field trip, Colonial School District staff will call 911.
Physical Examinations
Physical exams are required for the following grades:
- Entry into school (Kindergarten/First Grade)
- Sixth Grade
- Eleventh Grade
Click here to access the Physical Exam Form.
Exams completed the school year prior to the required grades are acceptable.
Hearing screenings are conducted in kindergarten, first, second, third, seventh and eleventh grades. A referral will be sent home if any problems are detected. If your child has frequent ear infections or you have concerns at any other time, please contact the nurse.
Height and Weight
All students’ heights and weights are checked yearly. A BMI (body mass index) percentile will be calculated for each student using his/her height and weight measurements. BMI percentile is one tool used to help assess whether a person may be overweight or underweight. Results will be available for caregivers to view in the SNAP Health Portal through PowerSchool.
A screening for scoliosis (an abnormal curvature of the spine) is conducted in sixth and seventh grades. You will be notified of any abnormal findings.
Vision screening is conducted every year for all students. A referral will be sent home if any problems are detected. If you have concerns about your child’s vision at any time, please contact the nurse at your child’s school.