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Plymouth Whitemarsh High School

Databases and Resources

Use the Search Our Databases button below to access all PW databases and library items. An abridged list of databases by subject can be found below.


Click on the button below to access Gale databases, Power Library, Ebsco Discovery Search, and more!

Click here to search the Gale databases.

Accessing databases off campus

Use your CSD Google account to access databases (except for ABC-Clio and Gale/Power Library) when you are off of PWHS's campus.

For ABC-Clio and Gale/Power Library, click here to go to a page with the username and password. To access that page, please use the three-letter term for a 11 a.m. early dismissal day as your passkey.

Database categories

Access e-books

Click on the MackinVIA logo below and sign in with your CSD Google account to access a wide variety of topics. Search, read, listen, checkout, take notes or highlight in the virtual notebook. 

Click here to go to MackinVIA

Contact the Library Media Center Staff

Brian Adams
Library Media Specialist
Click here to send Mr. Adams an email.
ext. 1940

Library Media Center Hours

7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
(excluding holidays and early dismissals)

7:00 a.m.-2:20 p.m.

Reading Olympics

Click on the level to go to a page with this school year's books:

Our Local Public Libraries

Click on the library name to go to the library's website.