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Plymouth Whitemarsh High School

Graduation Requirements

How Do Credits and Graduation Requirements Add Up in the 5-Block?

chart outlining graduation requirements


40 Credits to be College/Career/Future Ready should include:

1) 23 Core Credits

  • 5 English
  • 5 Mathematics**
  • 4 Science
  • 4 Social Studies**
  • 2 Health & Physical Education
  • 3 Arts & Humanities

2) 17 Elective Credits

While all Plymouth Whitemarsh High School students are required to schedule a full-load of courses each semester, Graduation requirements for the classes of 2020/BEYOND are as follows per district policy:

  • Class of 2020 and Beyond
    • All Students must earn 38/40 possible credits unless determined otherwise by an IEP (PW)
      • Exception - CMTHS Students who attend AM Tech in Grade 12 must earn 37/40 credits
    • All Students must demonstrate career exploration - 8 pieces of evidence (per Chapter 339)
  • Class of 2021 and Beyond
    • Career & Financial Management = Replace 1 credit toward graduation (per PA Senate Bill 723)*
  • Class of 2022 and Beyond
    • Proficiency on all 3 Keystone exams (or) Alternative Route (Per ACT 158)**
  • Class of 2027 and Beyond
    • Career & Financial Management = Graduation Requirement (Per PA Senate Bill 843)***

*Beginning with the class of 2022, a student who successfully completes a course in personal finance during grades nine through twelve shall be permitted to apply/replace 1 graduation credit in the areas of Mathematics, Social Studies, Business or Family Consumer Science as determined by the governing public High School.

** Students must demonstrate proficient or higher performance in literature, algebra and biology on the Keystone exams or meet the expectations of an alternate route as established by Act 158, prior to graduation. Students entering 11th grade who are at risk of not reaching the proficiency level on state assessments may be recommended to take specially designed
courses in Math and/or English.

***Beginning with the class of 2027, Pennsylvania does require all high schools to provide a course in personal financial literacy (Career & Financial Management) worth at least half a credit that students must take in order to graduate.

Student Choice Focused on Developing and Evaluating Career Options

Career development options graphic which graphically displays information presented below

20 Total Elective Credits Toward Graduation include:

1) 17 Flexible Elective Credits

Courses chosen by the student based on unique interests and post-secondary career plan.

2) 3 Arts & Humanities Credits

A Pennsylvania State requirement, electives in this area include disciplines of languages, literature, psychology, history, communication, cultural, economics, law, design, visual and performing arts studies. 

*PW electives offered in World Language, Music, EDI, English and Social Studies are applicable to fulfill this credit.

NOTE: Career and Technical Education courses taken through Central Montco Technical High School are considered Flexible Elective Credits.

Click here for a printable page of the information outlined above.