Colonial Assistance and Referral Effort (C.A.R.E.)
What is C.A.R.E.?
C.A.R.E. stands for Colonial Assistance and Referral Effort, and it is Plymouth Whitemarsh High School’s version of SAP (Student Assistance Program). C.A.R.E. is prevention, intervention and a referral process that provides students and families with assistance in dealing with any type of concern that interferes with a student’s learning and school performance.
Who gets referred to C.A.R.E.?
Any student that is exhibiting behaviors that are impeding their academic success, this can include academic, social, behavioral, emotional or drug and alcohol concerns.
How and when do you refer a student to C.A.R.E.?
A student should be referred to C.A.R.E. when a staff member observes a behavior that is of concern or notices a change in that student’s behavior that is not typical of that student. It is important to note that it should be a documented observable concern such as a drop in grades or a consistent lack of concentration, not based on a “hunch” or an opinion. Other examples of observable behaviors would be: withdrawn, writing in a journal about sadness or depression, inappropriate comments, consistent comments about drug or alcohol use, poor peer relations and consistent lack of motivation or consistent disruptive behavior.
When does a student need immediate attention?
If a student appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they need to see the school nurse immediately. If a student makes a suicidal or homicidal comment, gesture or writing in class, they need to see a community counselor, school counselor, or assistant principal immediately. After the immediate needs are met, the student will automatically be referred to C.A.R.E.
What happens after a teacher refers a student to C.A.R.E.?
The team comes up with a list of goals and interventions that are specific to that student’s needs. A member of the team meets with the student and contacts a parent or guardian. If the parent/guardian does not agree to have their child referred to C.A.R.E., then the process is discontinued. Some examples of interventions are: parent/guardian conference, referral for a C.A.R.E. mentor, student to meet with community counselor, counselor observation in class, referral to Carson Valley Children’s Aid for an assessment and psycho-educational groups run by community counselors. Additionally, the team can assist the student and family to access resources in the community.